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Latin American Exhibition of Seville (1929)


The Latin American Exhibition of Seville (1929), inaugurated the 9 of May of 1929 and closed the 21 of June of 1930, has been one of the most important facts of the beginning of the XXth century for the city of Seville.

Map Expo 1929


The idea to realise an international Exhibition in Seville, was born in 1909, proposed by the artillery commander Luis Rodriguez Caso. The idea of Caso had a great welcome and the event had to serve to open itself to new external currents and to animate the State for a modernization that was necessary facing the future, between its objectives were those of city-planning reform, foment tourism, revive the fame of the city, creation of jobs and economic improvement as well as to establish and to improve it relations with American countries.

At those moments Seville was very backward in comparison with the rest of cities and countries that would participate in the exhibition, the most pressing problems were regarding the extension of the city, the sewage system, the paving, water, light, houses and hotels.

The exhibition was predicted for the 1st of April of 1911, later it was delayed until 1914, agreeing with the Court of Tablada, but problems of international character like the irruption of World War I or the problems in Spanish Morocco, together with internal problems as far as the management of the event delayed it until 1929, in the last years of the Dictatorship of Primo de Rivera.

Fuente: turismodecordoba.org

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