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General Information about Seville

Demography of Seville

The municipality of Seville has 699,145 inhabitants according to the population census of 2007 of the NSI, being the fourth city of Spain with more population, below Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia. The metropolitan area of Seville has 1.450.214 inhabitants and 4,535, 78 km ² of surface, being also the fourth metropolitan area of Spain and a great tourist, economic center, industrial and population.

From 1990 the resident population in Seville has descended a little, due mainly to the exodus of young couples to cities and villages of the Metropolitan Area, where house prices are more reasonable, and where there is a better job expectation. The population of the city is very aged, and perhaps the reduction of population will be higher in the next years. The population of foreigners registered in Seville in 2005, was of 21,041 people coming from the following countries: Ecuador (2.903), Morocco (2.736), Colombia (2.022), Argentina (789), the United States (569), France (539), Other countries (11.474).

Graphics of demography
Demography Evolution
1842 100.498 1992 683.028
1857 112.529 1993 707.438
1860 118.298 1994 714.148
1877 133.247 1995 719.588
1887 143.840 1996 696.487
1900 147.271 1998 701.927
1910 153.258 1999 701.116
1920 205.723 2000 700.520
1930 217.788 2001 702.520
1940 302.300 2002 704.114
1950 374138 2003 709.975
1960 441.869 2004 704.293
1970 545.692 2005 704.154
1981 645.817 2006 704.414
1991 683.028 2007 699.145

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